Free shpping - Spring Sale use Code: CLHO10, get Extra 10% OFF. offers free shipping to all orders with standard delivery, shipped from the United States. Deliveries shall be made at the postal address provided by clients when performing the purchase procedure and recorded in the Purchase Order. Therefore, clients are responsible for the address provided. Sellers shall not be liable for any mistakes related to shipments or wrong delivery of products, due to mistaken or incomplete information provided by clients when filling in their Purchase Orders.

Parcel Shipping orders are shipped directly to the shipping address you have provided (we cannot ship to PO boxes at this time). Shipment will usually arrive 5-10 business days after the order has shipped for most destinations. Transit time may be longer to remote addresses. Normally, shipment(s) are scheduled to arrive Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm local time. Multiple items may be shipped separately due to size or availability and may arrive at different times. Orders / Shipments cannot currently be fulfilled to the following locations such as AK and HI. Service to these locations may be added in the future.



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