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Light Up Your Child’s World with these Kids Ceiling Lights

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Why Should You Invest in Kids Ceiling Lights?

Lighting does much more than just illuminate a space. It sets the vibe of the room, affects productivity and mood, and enhances safety and security. These are some of the reasons why kids' room lighting is so important. So, choose from our vast collection of cute, stylish, and whimsical ceiling lights for kids’ rooms. Whether you want to shield your newborn’s eyes, monster-proof your child’s bedroom, boost their productivity, or simply jazz up your teenager’s space, we’ve got ample ceiling light options that will align with your kid’s needs.

Types of Kids Ceiling Lights You Must Check Out

Your reasons to buy kids ceiling lights will vary depending on the age and interests of your child. However, here are three types of lights your kid will definitely require growing up:

Ambient Lighting

This is lighting that will create an overall glow in your kid’s room. It illuminates the entire room without focussing on any particular element. Ambient lighting will help your child perform practical tasks. While it can take several forms, chandeliers or ceiling fixtures with eye-catching designs are a great choice. You can consider flush mount lighting or elegant LED lights with drum linen shades.

Task Lighting

As the name suggests, task lighting aids specific activities. To do this right, you should account for your kids’ hobbies and lifestyle. If they like to play with lego, opt for a light that is very bright. For instance, a sputnik ceiling light with multiple arms will work well in such a setting. If your child likes to read in bed, you’ll need a more concentrated source of light such as table lamps.

Mood Lighting

Mood lights function to highlight very specific parts of the room while shadowing the rest of the space. Pendant lights and semi-flush ceiling lights with glass fixtures work particularly well for this purpose.

Top Dos and Don’ts for Lighting Your Child’s Bedroom

A well-lit room can do wonders for your kid’s mind, body, and soul. You’d definitely want to do it right. Here are some recommendations on do’s and don’ts to make things easy for you. What You Should Do:
  • Remember that kids can hugely benefit from good natural light.
  • Account for your kid’s point of view. A pendant ceiling light that looks eye-catching to you might look unappealing from your kid’s height.
  • Install dimmable lights that will help your kid wind down at night.
What You Should Avoid:
  • Don’t forget to strike a balance between practicality and fashionability.
  • Don’t take a chance with incandescent light bulbs since they produce too much heat.
  • Don’t install lights that your kid might knock over.
Now that you know how to choose the right kids ceiling lights, start shopping! From nursery lighting straight to the teenage years, we have a number of exquisite designs made to inspire.


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